Shira Gill Shares Practical Solutions to Live a More Organised Life
Shot by Vivian Johnson Photography
Want some encouragement and practical advice to kickstart a more organised home and life? Curious to learn how you can take your love for interiors and turn it into a thriving business, come listen to my conversation with Shira Gill, a professional home organiser, who returns to the podcast as one of your favourite guests.
She shares what she learned from travelling around the world, stepping inside the homes of 25 professional home organisers, for her new book, “Organized Living: Solutions and Inspiration for Your Home”.
Shira also pulls back the curtain on what it’s like to start a business before you’re ready, and how to keep making progress until it feels more aligned with your life goals.
Get ready to be inspired, and feel motivated to move into action.
Creating her new book Organized Living
How organising is for everyone
Organising to create freedom and joy
Tips for staying organised
Understanding your motivation
Shira’s daily organisation practices
Creating simple systems in your home to handle clutter
The benefit of committing to a timeframe for your goals
Practical business strategies
Trusting your intuition
Investing in yourself & business
Shira’s new book Organized Living
Shira’s first book Minimalista
Shira’s website
Shira’s Instagram @shiragill
Shira’s newsletter & community
My first interview with Shira | Episode 52: Shira Gill on Organising Your Home
Podcast production: Yaga Media