Mon Palmer on Simplifying Your Design Business To Live More in Alignment


How can you simplify your business so that you feel that you are living more in alignment – both with the type of work you want to create, and the life you want to live?

Mon Palmer was running a successful landscape design business, but felt a pull to have a more holistic approach to her work.

Sustainable design is not only just about creating work that lies lightly on the planet, but it can also help us to live more in alignment with her health and wellness.

Come listen to our conversation where she shares how she grew her business, her approach to charging the value that she creates, and her latest and most exciting project to date.


  • Mon’s feeling of not being a creative child

  • Developing an interest in landscape design & interiors after living in London

  • Studying Landscaping in horticulture at Tafe & the practical skills she learnt

  • Working at a hardware store in the nursery department to learn about plants

  • Launching her first business while studying & the lessons she learnt

  • Working for a landscape architect firm in Perth

  • Creating her first solo business ‘Slightly Garden Obsessed’

  • Shifting her design focus to a more holistic & sustainable approach to design

  • Blending interiors & landscaping together

  • Creating her brand & online SketchUp courses

  • Mon’s design process & philosophy

  • The importance of taking the emotion out of charging for your services

  • Tips on how to make the most of your exterior spaces

  • Moving away from her personal brand to her latest venture
    Bare Cabo

  • Switching the business’s focus from residential projects to boutique accomodation and acreage properties



Podcast production: Yaga Media

Natalie Walton