3 essential elements for every room
Our homes have never felt more important — they are a place to retreat and find comfort and solace.
We can always find ways to improve our spaces and in turn create beauty within them. Today, I thought I would share some tips for how to style your home to make the most of it using this little corner of my bedroom as an example.
1. Create depth
I’ve had these vintage Turkish pots for years and have been moving them with me from home to home. They are all a similar height so I’ve created a triangle shape with them to create depth. Their heights vary enough that I can still grade them from largest at the back to smallest at the front. This mixes up the height plane so it feels more dynamic.
Tip — Where possible, always go for odds over evens to create more dynamic displays.
2. Introduce movement
To introduce movement within this little corner, I’ve added some large dried palms. These work well within the neutral colour palette but also break up the space. I’ve positioned the palms so that they are going in different directions to create more energy.
Tip - If you’re dried foliage isn’t sitting right, try placing some scrunched up cardboard within the pot or vase to prop them up to your desired height.
3. Add height
The Turkish pots and daybed are both on a similar height plane so to lift the eye up I’ve added this soft curtain made from a canvas drop sheet I picked up from the hardware store — learn more about how I did this here. It also sits well within the palette and softens the space too.
Tip — Keeping everything within your home in the same palette will make it easier for you to move pieces from room-to-room and create fresh energy.
If you’d like to learn the art and science of styling, grab a copy of my new book Style: The Art of Creating a Beautiful Home. Pre-order now for a bunch of free bonuses that you can access instantly. All the details are here.