Creating more calm & order at home


Many studies on happiness show that what we really want to experience is a sense of calm and contentment. We create this when we simplify our lives, embrace daily rhythms and create meaningful connections. And when we take this approach we allow more room for joy.

Take a moment to think about how you feel when the kitchen counter is messy. Or what about your desk — can you create your best work then? How happy does mess make you? 

In contrast, compare the feeling when you walk into your home and it’s clean and tidy. That is one of my favourite feelings! And I also love a tidy desk, a blank page and a sharpened pencil — that moment is ripe with possibilities. 

When we remove from our homes the things we don’t use, need or love, as well as the objects that don’t even work (you know what I’m talking about!), we free up not only our spaces but also our minds. 

But what about when life gets busy? That’s when you need to double down and make that extra effort to impose some sort of order because clearing the clutter will clear your mind. You will be able to create better work, or feel more present because you won’t be carrying around the weight of your to-do list.

Here are some simple ways to create more calm and order at home.

Simplify your life

When was the last time you checked in with yourself? Really? Did you like what you saw? If not, take a moment to audit your life. Are you living in alignment? Are you spending your time in the way you really want? Or are you getting sucked into things as a way to avoid your emotions? It’s natural for our primitive brain to try to protect us and avoid what we fear. But it’s important to notice when you’re feeling discomfort, or buffering your emotions. 

Write down the type of person you want to be. 

Write a list of what’s most important to you.

Audit how you are spending your time.

Let go of anything that’s not serving you. 

Embrace daily rhythms

One of the easiest ways to live in alignment is to create daily rhythms. When you break down your day into small habits, it’s easy to change them as well as get the results you’re after. You might start the night before, for example, and go to bed half an hour earlier. Such a simple step can make you feel much more alert and refreshed when you wake up, which can set off a whole new sequence for your day — more time to meditate or exercise, and you won’t feel as rushed in the morning.

Stack habits in your favour.

Make them easy.

Edit anything that’s not serving you.

Create meaningful connections

Take a look around you. What is all this stuff? Is it more of a help or hindrance? Often we avoid clearing clutter because we have to make choices. And we have to confront bad decisions, or an old version of ourselves. But what about if you looked at all your stuff with fresh eyes? What if you made a deliberate choice about the person you want to be, and the life you want to live, and asked if any given object is in alignment with this new you? And then you can ask yourself five important questions:

Do I need it?

Do I love it? 

Do I use it?

Would someone benefit from it more than me? 

Where does it belong?

You are capable of making decisions. You don’t have to make it hard. And when in doubt, let it go. The indecision is not because you want it, but because you’re struggling to let go.

The upside to culling your collections is that you are left with what’s meaningful, and adds value to your life.

And you simplify your life all over again. It’s a circular loop of contentment.  


Kickstart your simplifying journey with my FREE 15-minute guide to decluttering your home and staying organised.